MIMOCA Dress Design

Kanako sent photographs of the beautiful designs that the women at MIMOCA have made. They have decided to use the same pattern as the women used at Art Tower Mito, but will add to the length.

Kanako says:
All of them had designed a lot for long dress. Each design and idea were very unique, we enjoyed them very much.

She has also sent captions for each photo - thank you, Kanako!

A kimono and a vest for baby. These are Sawako's.
Sawako's trials
Sawako's drawing and trial
Junko's T-shirt

 Junko's drawing

Keiko's favorite image from the collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein

Keiko's short coat 

Kiyoko's pareo
Emiko's drawings
Nozomi's drawings
Asuna's drawing
Kayo's favorite image by Steve McQueen
Zoe sent us oolong tea and dry fruits from Taiwan! Asuna is reading her letter to others.