Last minutes developing

The exhibition will be closed soon, so the women try to rush developing on their uniform.
Yukari extended to stitch by "Sashiko", traditional Japanese form of embroidery and attached some the other women's emotional fabric. 
Yoko made this big bag by using the rose pattern scarf which was gift from Kimiko.

Look at this! Yoko made this little broach as gratitude for Kimiko.
It stitched, "Thank you". This is absolutely same design as Yoko's bag.

Mikiko made this box type clutch bag, and put some little ornaments.

Ikuko made the hair dress which put the prismatic colored beads gave from Kimiko.

Yoshie added this red square decoration by Yoko's Thai fabric.

Emi tried to embroidery morning glory and already died vine.
She would like to represented "life and death" by this plant.

Ayaka got this rosette made by Kimiko which was using her indigo dyed fabric.

This sensitive lace ornaments was made by Aki.

Chiako is continuing her diary. 
She attached the days form, not only the bottom of the uniform but also the back side.

Aki made this long ornament by using the all participants' materials.

Kimiko got this chouchou from Emi.
She made it by using her memorial material for her uniform.

This rosette was also made by Kimiko. It is a gif for Yoshie.
She attached the bird form pockets on her uniform, so Kimiko embroidered sun flower seed for the birds snack.

Saori knitted this strawberry ornament, because this is her niece favorite fruits.

The leaves float gently between the white cotton trees on Mikiko's uniform.
This gray butterfly was made by her old socks.

Mayumi puts the big ribbons on her both side sleeves.
The blue fabric is gift from Aki.

Takako attached the pocket, and sawed the seven stitches by yellow thread.
That number means the first workshop members.

Aki loves birds, so this owl broach is a gift from Kimiko.
This was a piece of lace.

Aya's final origami work for her uniform is crystal of snow.
For her, this motif is very important.
Because she loves snow and told her snowy story at the first workshop.