Day 2 Incredibly Honest

Day 2

The mood of this workshop. Positive, spontaneous, relaxed, tense. Everybody is incredibly honest and sincere.

First day, you talked about emotional clothes. Today, please talk about the clothes you put today: what you always wear at home when you do not see people.  What is special quality of them? Is it physical quality? Or emmotional quality? Social quality? Please start from whoever want to speak.

Questions Pascal gave to them. And some answers.
Q Is it extention of your body after years? Is it also already a tool?
Q Can you wear it 24 hours?
--Yes sometimes I sleep with them. I can go out by changing only the T shirt and go out with same outfit next day.
Q Do you have friends with similar style?
Q How od you feel about your height?  A challenge?  Have you difficulties in schoold days because of your height?
--Yes often. I always wss standing on the back. I got specific nickname because of my heights”

Pascale “Within two days we heard how powerful clothes are. You feel insecure when you feel you are not wearing suitable clothes.” This is emotion that I know quite well in relation to fashion or clothes or dressing. Maybe this is the most strong emotion-that you feel you made mistakes, doing  something wrong, feeling embarrassed, because of the way how you dress. In my own life, I often feel disappointed that I feel so weak because of this reason ( no suitable clothes), and I feel I need more courage. I understood now that we, somehow, all live with, share,  this kind of experience.