Day 4 Lost and Found

 Women brout clothes they love, possibly cutted out and transfered to their future uniform. Long discussion continued with Yukari as a moderator. Each of them talked freely, spontaneously. The balance of uniformity and individuality was difficult in turned out. It seemed difficult to put individuality in the uniform, since they regarded individuality is not needed in the uniform. The discussion went with excitement, and at some point, lost. Pascale pointed out something, and then everone became vital, again. 

I can imagine, to change is challenging. Sometimes it takes time to accept new idea about life. Still, women kept participating the conversation quite spontaneously, enthusiastically.

Finally, after a long discussion, they found a way to go on. It was a magical moment, a friend of mine who were attending the workshop on that day, confessed me later. What she saw: Pascale said something when women felt lost, with her one word or one action, everybody changed their mood and moved quickly to a new direction!