Flower corsage and swaying stitch:
She is inspired by Christo who has brought to life various huge art projects around the world. Especially for her, the deeply impressive project, "The Umbrellas: Japan, U. S. A., 1985-91". 3,100 octagonal umbrellas, 6m high and 8.69m in diameter, were meandered the landscape simultaneously, for about 19km in Ibaraki and 29km in California. The 1,340 blue umbrellas in Japan and the 1,760 yellow umbrellas in U.S.A. were placed. ATM held his exhibition in commemoration of this project. At that time ATM staffs were given the piece of fabric of the umbrella, blue and yellow. She made a flower corsage and put the fabric as calyxes.
She represented these stitch as the umbrellas which placed running alongside roads, villages, river banks and swaying in the winds.
Wrapping cloth and obi band:
This fabric was original wrapping cloth of Japanese fashion bland which is her favorite. If you buy some clothes in the shop, it warped them instead of paper bag. She sewed the cloth like a skirt. This idea from Mio and Sugako was sharing some idea with her.
An obi band is a string which is one of the stage properties required in order to carry out dressing of a kimono, and uses for fixing a belt. Her mother loves kimono and has lots of collection. She respects for her who is thinking a great deal of Japanese culture. This is a gift from her.
Colorful buttons:
These buttons were chosen by Sayo, a press staff who left ATM last month. When Sugako was making this uniform, Sayo came to see her and gave advice to put some these buttons. She is no longer work here but this buttons are very special elements for Sugako.
"It is the great process to sharing the other participant's advice and then gathered many ideas into my uniform. My mother also helped me to make it. I had a wonderful time to buy some materials at a handcraft shop which I usually didn't go. I was so fun." -Sugako